Thursday, April 1, 2010


I stumbled upon a rumor not too long ago, that 80's child star Barret Oliver (D.A.R.Y.L., Frankenweenie, Cocoon, The Neverending Story), disappeared at the end of that decade, had plastic surgery and re-appeared in the late 90's as 'Josh Hartnett.' This is false. The TRUTH is that Barret Oliver left Hollywood in the late 80's, moved to Eastern Europe after the wall fell, and re-emerged in the mid-90's as gay porn star 'Johan Paulik.' Yes folks, that accent 'Johan' sports is a total fake. He's really from California and is an expert at riding Luck Dragons. If you don't believe me, ask George Duroy. Oh, and BTW...

......................................................APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!

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